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Acts 8: Bad News/Good News part 1

Mark Miller

Dec 10, 2024

And Saul approved their killing him. On that day a great persecution broke out against
the church in Jerusalem, and all except the apostles were scattered throughout Judea
and Samaria
Acts 8:1 New International Version

The 8th chapter of Acts begins with some of the worst bad news imaginable. Stephen,
“a man full of grace and power” has been killed for talking about Jesus, becoming the
first Christian martyr. And Acts 8:1 notes that Saul approved of it. Saul then goes about
seeking to destroy the church by imprisoning the followers of Jesus. This drove many
Christians out of Jerusalem, and they scattered in every direction to flee the
persecution. There is murder. There is persecution. And there is a scattered church. It
looks like it’s all bad news.

But wait. There’s good news too. The persecution that scattered the church propels
the Gospel message into new places. “Those who had been scattered preached the
word wherever they went.” (Acts 8:4). Far from destroying the church, the death of
Stephen and the persecution of the church in Jerusalem led to many more believers in
many more communities.

God is still working like that. C.C. came to Minnesota as a Hmong refuge. When he
survived a serious bout with cancer, he committed to using the rest of his life to more
fully serve the Lord. He returned to East Asia to spread the gospel and in short order
started over 30 house churches. He asked the church back home in the U.S. to send a
pastor to join him because he had hundreds of new Christians who wanted to be
baptized. Instead he was asked to become a pastor to those new Christians. God took
the bad news of cancer and turned it into the means to bring salvations to many
different communities.

How might God turn your bad news into good? Are you willing to share the word
wherever you go?

Mark Miller
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