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Mark Miller
Dec 8, 2024
But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to
everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with
gentleness and respect
1 Peter 3:15 New International Version
Making cookies was so much a part of my wife’s grandmother’s life that she was
affectionately known as Cookie Grandma by our children. Whenever we would visit,
there would be homemade cookies: chocolate chip, peanut butter, sugar cookies. And
at Christmas she would make all the holiday favorite: frosted cut outs, thumb prints,
rosettes, sandbakkels and gingerbread.
She has been gone for many years now but recently my wife wanted to relive those
days and make grandma’s precious sandbakkel recipe. We searched the house until
we finally found the sandbakkel tins in a canister on the cupboards above the stove.
We also discovered grandma’s recipe. To our disappointment the recipe was only a list
of ingredients, no instructions. I suppose grandma thought “Why would anyone need
instructions? Who doesn’t know how to make sandbakkels?” The short answer is “Her
grandchildren!” For all the cookies grandma made, she never let her grandchildren help
nor taught them how to do it.
I wonder how much we are like that with our faith. We assume everyone knows about
Jesus. Why would I need to share my faith with others? Why would I have to write
anything down? Isn’t this just common knowledge? But it’s not. Many a grandparent
has never taken the time to share their faith with the grandchildren or teach them how to
follow Jesus. Many of our family, friends and neighbors might wonder after we are
gone, “What was that faith thing that was so important to them?”
Let me encourage you not to wait. Don’t assume they know Jesus. Show them and tell
them about your faith. They may thank you for it later.
Now if I can just figure out how to make sandbakkels…
Mark Miller
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