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Sam Stringer
Dec 18, 2024
And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to
those who are the called according to His purpose. For whom He foreknew, He
also predestined to be conformed to the image of His Son, that He might be the
firstborn among many brethren.
Romans 8:28-29
What would your life be like if it weren’t for being in need? What would it look like if you
always got what you wanted, every plan went off without a hitch, you never had a health
concern, never went through grief or loss, never had an ounce of an enemy…I don’t
need to keep elaborating, but you know as well as I do that that’s what we often wake
up each day secretly (or not so secretly) hoping for. What if God wanted better for you
than your best plans? He does, and it’s part of why your life is full of needs and your list
and mine would never run short of things to pray for, be they needs of ourselves or
You need to be in need. You need it because of what it does to you and for you to have
to wait on God. You need to be in need because of what need rips out of your heart,
those idols of the heart where a throne reserved for God keeps getting filled with cheap,
passing fancies. You need to not always have your prayers answered because you
need to remember that God isn’t your servant, you’re (supposed to be) His. Need
reminds us of our dependency upon God, and it’s often those times where we feel like
we’re finally seeing traction to our agendas where we inevitably find ourselves forgetting
You need to praise Him when you don’t feel like it. You need to sacrifice though you
may feel like you have nothing more to give. You need to become more like Jesus, and
all of those needs? They’re helping you conform to His image on God’s timetable.
You’re a precious work of art going through processes of transformation and you may
not feel like anything is happening but rest assured, though the tree may not feel it is
growing, it is, slowly but surely. Only God needs to be, and is, fully informed of the big
plan happening and all those little intricacies coming together to bring it about. We often
demand to know from God what we do not get to know and maybe shouldn’t know right
now. You see, trust is built in the not-knowing, not in the full-disclosure. Maybe we’re
trying to find another way to not need God when we demand answers…
Good theology should inform you that there's no such thing as anything that God can't
fix or prevent in a millisecond. Financial problems? Gone. Health concerns? Never
heard of them. Relational struggles? What? God can do anything he wants so you and I
need to ask this: why has he chosen to permit these needs to be existent in our lives?
He may not fix them today. He may not fix them tomorrow or next week, next year or until the day we die. If He doesn't, remember that His wisdom is guiding not only the
provisions but also the needs. Sometimes you and I need resources and sometimes we
need needs. God cultivates dependence, worship, purity, appreciation, friendships,
closes doors and opens them and so forth all through the season of need. Need is a
friend that nobody wants when it shows up, but over time may realize just how glad they
were it came into their life.
When it's all said and done, it'll all make sense. It may not until then but rest assured
that He is working and working all for your good and His glory. Need, sometimes as
simple as a hot meal, has proven many times to be a door by which a soul seeking food
ended up finding Jesus. Sometimes it fixed something that was broken and was never
going to get fixed any other way than living in a desperate season. Need is not your
enemy ; in the guidance of God, it may be your redemption. All things are for good to
those that love Him, to those that are called according to His purpose. Be brave. Be
blessed. Pray for God to help you through your needs, but pray that He helps you not
overlook or dismiss the value of being in need, too.
If you want to read a bit more, here’s a poem for you to contemplate. I wrote it while
sitting in a tire repair shop, calming down the morning after my wife’s unintentional
driving over a tool that someone dropped in our garage…
"I Need to Need"
I need to need
'Cause I've got this greed
That just makes me hate
To ever have to wait
So I try to berate
What God puts on my plate
Since I have a real knack
For focusing on lack
Worries causing weights
That throw out my back
Life gets more rough
When I gripe at this stuff
That God says I need
To change what I bleed-
That character that comes out
His praise for which I'll shout
You see, the process unfolds
When my resources grow cold
It's then I cry out to God
To fix the path I trod
But He knows that which I do not
Heaven's directions are not what I thought
For He knows the path and He has the plan
To take a mortal child
And make him an eternal man.
Sam Stringer
Scripture taken from the New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson. Used by
permission. All rights reserved.
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