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Sam Stringer

Jan 23, 2025

Through the LORD'S mercies we are not consumed, because His compassions fail not.
They are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness.
Lamentations 3:22-23

There’s so many words I could have honed in on in these two verses, but I wanted to just
highlight that phrase “fail not,” which I’m just going to rewrite as unfailing. Have you considered
this today that God’s mercies, His faithfulness, His love, everything about Him is unfailing? It
won’t give out, give up, break down, break up, get held up, run out, it won’t anything other than
always and forever be there because that’s who God is.

You forgot His mercies too many times to count recently, and so did I. You forgot His
compassion for you and other people way too much, and so did I. You and I looked at our pains,
our frustrations, our uncertainties and insecurities, our inability to see hope for some situation
and we forgot that God had deep compassion for us. In fact, we probably drew conclusions from
our emotions quite to the contrary. We forget that every morning, even this one, His mercy and
love are new. Now, they’re always there, but for us, in a new day, they’re new for the day. How
much faithfulness does God have? It’s written here as great, immense, overwhelming if you will.
It’s not like yours or mine; it’s exclusively His, and He functions out of His character, not in
response to ours. He acts in alignment with Himself, not us.

That beautiful Gospel of forgiveness, love, inclusion into His family, life everlasting? It’s coming
from His character, not from taking a shine to the broken and vile sinners He found and
identifying redemptive qualities. No, God is preemptive in that He comes to us and makes a way
before we even go looking for it. You and I as modern people were born into a world where a
Bible was already written and existent, waiting for us to hear its glorious message into which
God directed us. He has been attendant to you and me every day; don’t conclude that He had
no knowledge of you until you finally reached out. You and me reaching out, if we did, was only
because He was driving us right into that place through a host of moments toppling one into the
other like dominoes falling into Jesus.

You and I are broken people living in a world failing the hopes of the people fixing their hope in
it. Nobody wants to really admit it, but the breakdown only highlights the thorough sinfulness of
both the people in it and the temporal pursuits within it. All, except for Jesus who reigns on high,
Who is unfailing, Whose death was sufficient on the cross, which stands as enough for all time
and has made a future secure. Stop turning to lesser things, even self-improvement, in an effort
to quell the hole that only Christ can fill for each and every day. Were we to write this verse
about ourselves, it would go something like this:

“Through (my) mercies I am completely consumed, because (my) compassion entirely fails.
They are broken every morning; pathetic is (my) faithfulness.” Write it as you’d like, but the
message would be the same if left to ourselves. We are not the hope of our lives, or the hope of
anyone else’s lives either for that matter. Only God can fill a God-sized hole in our hearts,
because He made us and made us for Himself. Sin and self-sufficiency will never satisfy the
heart in need of God. So do the wise thing yet again today and revel in the unfailing mercy,
compassion, and faithfulness of Him towards you.

Be blessed, my friend.

Sam Stringer

Scripture taken from the New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson.
Used by permission. All rights reserved.

Braver Than Lions

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