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Janet Schultz
Dec 2, 2024
Proverbs 27:1 Do not boast about tomorrow, for you do not know what a day may bring forth.
James 4:14 Yet you do not know what your life will be like tomorrow. You are just a vapor that appears for
a little while and then vanishes away.
The other night I went through the videos I’ve taken on my phone. There were many laughs but also, as I
looked at the ones that included people no longer here with us, some sadness and thoughts about how
things change on a dime. I watched a fun video of a brief jam session that occurred during church band
practice, having no idea that I was two months away from my husband and I learning of his diagnosis and
six months to the day from his death. The month after the ‘jam’ he and I took the road trip of a lifetime and
spent wonderful times with friends and family across the country. We had no idea.
This is where faith and complete trust in God comes in. Living each day for the glory of the Lord. Planning
for tomorrow and beyond? Of course. Trusting that God has got this whether we are here for it or not?
Definitely. He knows all the days of our life allotted to us on this earth. We are to make the most of them
by using them to glorify Him. Would we live our lives differently if we knew when our time was up? Or is it
better that we don’t know, live in Him, and watch his beauty and glory unfold before us as we take each
day as His gift? Not knowing the day or the hour is a true gift that helps us use our life experiences to see
His work in our lives and deepen our faith. Not knowing when “time’s up” keeps us alert to how we can
always be the hands and feet of Jesus while we’re here, and that we’d best do it now. There are people
who are with us on earth for a short time who have lasting beautiful effects for years to come on the
people who loved and cared for and about them. And there are those who live extraordinarily long lives
who can impart much wisdom to those coming up.
Whatever our individual times are, we don’t need to know the exact time we will be called home. Our job
is to live our best Christian lives here and now. Believe in Him, trust in Him fully, and do what one of my
favorite pastors I know says, be Jesus with skin on.
Janet Schultz
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