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Sam Stringer
Jan 21, 2025
For we walk by faith, not by sight. We are confident, yes, well pleased rather to be absent from the body and to be
present with the Lord. Therefore we make it our aim, whether present or absent, to be well pleasing to Him.
2 Corinthians 5:7-9
Today’s passage is written in the context of Paul speaking towards a perspective on death and uniting
with Christ. It’s a perspective in which he refers to the body as a “tent,” a temporary dwelling in which we
live while we wait for our permanent residence in Heaven in glorified bodies. Let’s consider these three
verses for what we can glean to help us in our walk right now:
Number one, walking. Paul says that we walk by faith, not by sight. Faith informs us that we have eternal
purposes to the things we do for God, that life in this world is temporary and that eternity lies behind the
door of our mortality. Faith informs us that God not only exists, but that He’s good, wise, glorious, created
everything, and everything exists for Him. Faith is “the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of
things not seen” (Heb. 11:1). Faith propels obedience, faith aids confidence, faith gives grounds for
peace. Believers not only should walk by faith, but if they are to step forth in spiritual success, must live
by faith, for this is how God’s designed life. Trust Him!
Number two, watching. Paul says, “We are confident, yes, well pleased rather to be absent from the body
and to be present with the Lord.” Where are your eyes turned to? Beyond your physical eyes, where is
your view parked today? Would it please you to dwell in His presence or would you rather be here,
enjoying the things of this world, making memories and enjoying life? All too often our hopes are
wrapped up in the temporal, but let me remind you, the satisfaction you will feel when you see Jesus
could never ever come near to being eclipsed by the world’s offerings. Faith informs us on the basis of
what the Bible promises. If it’s true that Heaven is our hope, why wait on pursuing Him in favor of the
things here in the meantime? Christianity in the present world, for a believer, could be considered
“worship practice” for eternity. Make it a part of your day that you seek God now, not simply telling
yourself that you’ll do it “then.” Let me make a stark statement here, too: if you don’t desire Jesus while
you’re alive, what makes you think you’d want to worship Him in Heaven? There’s got be some
consistency between the present life and the life to come.
Number three, wanting. What do you want for yourself? It’s so easy to make lists and lists of financial
situations, relationship changes, vacations, home upgrades, etc. that we’d like. Paul says that his aim is
to be pleasing to God whether he’s in Heaven or still here on Earth. What God would want for you and
me is to desire His pleasure, and that more than our own. Paul says that it’s his aim, his goal, and not
just a marginal footnote to his life. A meaningful walk with God cannot and will not get around a desire
and aim to be pleasing to Him. Competing goals must be put in submission to the grand mission of being
well-pleasing to the Lord. It’s hard to please Someone you’re not spending time with, not trying to
understand better, not listening to, so take the time to get to know the One who loves you and has made
Himself available to you. God loves you! As always, be braver than lions!
Sam Stringer
Scripture taken from the New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson. Used by
permission. All rights reserved.
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